JUMP TOAwesome New APIGetting Started With Your APIGods Unchained APIcardReturns a list of token and model cardsgetGet a card by idgetGet card imagegetprotoGet a list of protosgetGet proto by idgetGet rarity information on protosgetpackGet a pack factory by addressgetGet a list of pack factoriesgetGet purchased pack from pack factorygetGet a list of packsgetpurchaseGet a list of purchasesgetreferralGet a list of referralsgetuserGet a usergetGet user inventorygetdeckEncodes a deck into a deck stringpostDecodes a deck stringgetImmutable X APIapplicationsGet a list of applicationsgetGet details of an application with the given IDgetassetsGet a list of assetsget/v1/assets/{token_address}/{token_id}Get details of an assetget/v1/balances/{owner}Fetches the WEI balances of the userget/v2/balances/{owner}Get a list of balances for given usergetbalancesFetches the token balances of the usergettlvsGet TLV information for a user for a tokengetcollectionsGet a list of collectionsgetCreate collectionpostGet details of a collection at the given addressgetUpdate collectionpatchGet a list of collection filtersgetGet collection metadata schemagetAdd metadata schema to collectionpostUpdate metadata schema by namepatchdepositsGet a list of depositsgetGet details of a deposit with the given IDgetmintsGet details of a mintable token with the given IMX token IDgetGet details of a mintable token with the given token address and token IDgetGet a list of mintsgetMint tokenspostGet details of a mint with the given IDgetMint Tokens V2postordersGet a list of ordersgetCreate an orderpostGet details of an order with the given IDgetCancel an orderdeleteclaimsUser claim to redeem campaign rewardspostGet list of reward claims for a usergetusersGet operator signature to allow clients to register the userpostRegisters a userpostGet stark keys for a registered usergettransfersGet a list of transfersgetCreates a transfer of tokens between two partiespostGet details of a transfer with the given IDgetwithdrawlsGet a list of withdrawalsgetCreates a withdrawal of a tokenpostGets details of withdrawal with the given IDgettokensGet a list of tokensgetGet details of a tokengettradesGet a list of tradesgetCreate a Trade between two partiespostGet details of a trade with the given IDgetPowered by Get a list of referralsget https://api.godsunchained.com/v0/referralReturns a list of referrals